Media Bytes – Issue 16

Media Bytes – Issue 16

July 26, 2019 Off By sbatson

Sac City Tech Media Bytes
July 23, 2019

Exclusive Hints, Tips, Special Offers and More!
Sent out about once per week

Ok, I’m probably going to get some mud slung at me for what I’m about to say. I’m certain that some of the SEO (Search Engine Optimization) as well as some digital marketing people won’t be too happy about this. I like to use some common sense along with available information and experience when talking to my clients and prospective clients about their websites and marketing materials. Since Sac City Tech provides the marketing media but not the marketing services, there is no incentive to push those services. I’m certainly not going to say that SEO or Digital Marketing is not valuable, they are for the right businesses with the proper budgets. That doesn’t mean these services are right for everyone.

As a small business or one that is just starting out. Expensive monthly fees can be a killer! You can market all you want, spend a ton of money with no guarantee that anything will come of it. Before spending the money to get the word out, it may make more sense to make sure your website and other materials look decent, have the right content and the right message. Ever drive by some ugly looking business and not go in because of how it looked? The same thing can happen if your website isn’t appealing, or even more importantly is terribly out of date. Visitors will think it’s been abandoned.

Let us know what your challenges are and we’ll let you know how we can help. Sac City Tech can help update your websites, photos and create some unique and powerful videos to help make you look your best.

Have a great, successful and prosperous week. Please let us know if there is anything we can do to help you!

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